Why choose a sustainable lifestyle?

As parents, we always choose the best for our kids. From clothes to toys to diapers, we make a lot of research before buying them anything.

But, sometimes we forget to think and research about the consequences of our little decisions. For example, we have some brands in our mind as the best diapers for our kids. They may be best for babies, or rather best for parents who want to avoid mess at home, but are they doing good to the environment? We use and throw the diaper away and forget about it. Do you know where they all go? Do you think they get recycled like other wastes? No! They are dumped into land fills and remain non-decomposed for 200-400 years. Shocking?? This is the bitter truth. And the same applies to sanitary pads too which remain non-decomposed for 800 years polluting the water and the environment around.

We may be making right decisions for kids today, but what about their future? We must work towards solving the problem.

Here are some eco friendly choices that we can make.

1. Opt for Cloth diapers – natural, plastic free, chemical free, reusable, eco friendly. Its a one-time investment that will last for over 200 times.

2. Bio degradable diapers – Those which would get decomposed without effecting the environment. For those, who don’t want to wash cloth diapers.

3. Buy Organic clothes – natural, breathable, biodegradable, harmless.

4. Buy Organic fruits & veg – chemical free, healthy, homemade.

5. Natural body products – skin friendly, safe, chemical free.

6. Eco friendly toys – plastic free, choke free, safe.

7. Have you guys heard of the word “Sustainable”? Yes. To save our environment we must all try using sustainable products to the maximum possible, by avoiding plastic and other environment enemies.

Can you imagine the clothes that we usually wear can also be hazardous to our landfills? May be not directly but indirectly. It’s called “Fast Fashion” and is very dangerous.

Tonnes of cloth are found in landfills every year. These go as wastes from the warehouses of clothing brands that we wear. They are equally hazardous to the environment as are plastic wastes. Certain clothes lead to asthma, cancer and TB. Certain dyes are harmful chemicals. Imagine them polluting our water. Imagine those lives residing nearby.

We simply buy clothes we like, ignoring their sources & their manufacturing procedures. I don’t want this ignorance to pass on to my children. So yes I will try my best in buying them clothes made from organic & natural fibres. Also preferring brands which make efforts in recycling and up-cycling.

We have some of our own Indian Brands which make sure that their clothes are 100% natural, simple, chic & elegant. They even take back clothes once kids outgrow them and either donate or upcycle them. They make accessories from their cloth wastes. Aren’t their thoughts and efforts appreciable? God please make us all think sustainable.

They may not be very soft in texture but are completely breathable and natural. It is our thought process that will pass on to our kids. We need to be careful about choices we make. It’s time we choose ecofriendly clothing.

8. We all know how plastic toys are dangerous to kids and also the environment. We need to switch to wooden and other sustainable options. We can make few toys with kids at home using paper, cardboard, carton boxes, rubberbands, paints, icecream sticks, straws and others.

Yes they don’t last for long but they enjoy making them throughout. It enhances their creative abilities, also giving them maximum gadget-free time.

Little things that we can make:

  1. Paper boats
  2. Wheels & Cars with cardboard
  3. Four cups paper games
  4. Paper roses
  5. Mini guitars with jar lids& rubberbands.
  6. Teddy bear using empty parachute oil box, cotton and buttons.
  7. Fake icecreams using paper, tuty fruities and cotton. [Ants relished on them all night]
  8. MiniStorage boxes with my empty chips boxes
  9. MiniHuts using matchsticks
  10. Shapes with paper and paints.

Following a sustainable lifestyle is tough and time consuming and may demand extra efforts. Yes I find these options costlier than the normal options available. But what matters more is to be safe, healthy, and ecofriendly. Also, they prove to be economical in the long run. And with increasing demand, these would become cheaper.

Kids reflect our thoughts & personalities. Only when we think sustainable, our kids will follow. We are responsible for our environment as much as we are for our kids. Please do the necessary research and choose right.


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